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How to Reverse Venous Insufficiency – Expert Tips & Guide

Chronic Venous Insufficiency or venous reflux disease, is a widespread condition that impacts many people. Particularly those, who spend long periods sitting or standing. The condition rises when the leg veins cannot return the blood efficiently to the heart due to damaged or weakened valves. This results in blood pooling in the legs, which can result in multiple painful and sometimes uncomfortable symptoms.

If you are wondering, “Can venous insufficiency be reversed,” then you must know that it cannot. While it is not possible to reverse the damage to the valves, there are a bunch of strategies that you can use to significantly get rid of the symptoms and enhance the quality of your life. Integrating lifestyle modifications and natural remedies into your day-to-day routine can help manage chronic venous insufficiency. Moreover, it also decreases its effect on your daily activities. Let us look into this matter further to understand it better!

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How Common Is Chronic Venous Insufficiency?

Generally, venous issues occur very commonly. For instance, varicose veins impact approximately 1 in 3 adults. Every year, about 1 in 50 adults with such vein issues develop chronic venous insufficiency. This disease mostly affects people who are older than 50 years. And the risk keeps on going up as you age. Overall, venous reflux disease affects about 1 in 20 adults. That is why a lot of people start looking up for reversing venous insufficiency as soon as they notice anything usual going on with their veins.

How Does Chronic Venous Insufficiency Affect My Body?

Chronic venous insufficiency slows down blood flow from your legs way back to your heart. Without treatment, it can raise the pressure in your leg veins so much that your smallest blood vessels (capillaries) burst. When it happens, the skin of that area gets reddish-brown in color and can easily break open if scratched or bumped. These burst capillaries can lead to:

  1.  Tissue damage
  2. Tissue inflammation in that area
  3. Venous stasis ulcers (open sores on your skin’s surface)

These venous stasis ulcers do not easily heal. They might even become infected. The infection could spread to nearby tissue. This condition is known as cellulitis, which can be dangerous if not treated straight away.

Can You Reverse Venous Insufficiency?

Sadly, you cannot reverse chronic venous insufficiency. Once a vein valve collapses or is damaged, it cannot heal. So, there is no way to reverse or cure vein disease. You can take some steps to push some of the gathered blood from the leg veins to the heart, which will reduce some of the worst symptoms of vein disease, but the relief is temporary. The only way to treat chronic venous insufficiency is by destroying or collapsing the diseased vein so that the gathered blood will reroute into healthier leg veins. Below, we have described how to treat a damaged vein valve. However, prior to getting to that section, let us look at some home remedies to prevent vein disease from worsening.

Wear Compression Garments

Wearing compression garments can help blood that is accumulating in the ankle, leg, or foot to flow in the correct direction – towards your heart. Your doctor might prescribe elastic compression socks or stockings made with a flexible fabric. Such garments apply different amounts of pressure to various parts of the legs and feet to keep the blood flowing properly through the veins.

Maintain a Healthy Weight

Obesity might contribute to the development of weakened or blocked valves in leg veins. Experts at Jersey Joint, Spine, & Regen can help you develop healthier eating and exercise habits that can help you manage your weight.

Increase Activity Levels

Your healthcare provider might recommend that you ride a stationary bicycle, walk, or even jog for 30 minutes multiple times a week. Staying active will improve your circulation and tone the muscles in your legs. As a consequence, it can help pump blood towards the heart. Stretching your thigh and calf muscles can also help to enhance blood flow.

Elevate the Legs

Sitting or standing for an elongated time period can add to the accumulation of blood in leg veins. Taking breaks to move your legs can help blood flow towards the heart. While sitting, avoid crossing your legs and elevate them by placing them on a footstool.

Avoid Tight Clothing and High Heels

Tight shoes or clothing can limit blood flow in the legs and elevate the risk of developing chronic venous insufficiency. High-heeled shoes can also disturb the blood flow in the legs. Due to this reason, your doctors might suggest you wear shoes with a low heel.

Avoid Salt

Sodium or salt can help the body retain water. Additional fluid in the legs might result in swelling and put some pressure on your leg veins, weakening the vein walls and leading to chronic venous insufficiency.

Moisturize the Skin

Although it does not treat CVI, but regularly applying moisturizer can heal dry or even cracked skin. This elevates the overall health of your legs.

How To Treat A Collapsed Vein Valve?

So, now that you understand the main cause of many venous issues, how chronic venous insufficiency happens, and how the symptoms of vein disease can be decreased. While you cannot cure or reverse chronic venous insufficiency, modern minimalist invasive procedures can treat the condition. Our vein specialists at Jersey Joint, Spine, & Regen perform ultrasound tests to visualize the blood flow in your leg veins, diagnose vein disease, and come up with a personalized vein treatment plan.

We offer minimally invasive treatment options because they are safer, more convenient, and more effective than traditional surgeries. These procedures are in-office sessions that conclude within an hour and do not involve general anesthesia, major excisions, or hospitalization. The treatment concludes in an hour, after which you can carry on with your day-to-day activities and work immediately. Moreover, we always make sure to address the underlying cause of your venous issues to eliminate the chances of vein disease recurrence. Below, we have shed light on some of the procedures that can help you get rid of your problematic vein.

Endovenous Radiofrequency Ablation

Radiofrequency ablation is a process that revolves around using thermal energy to treat chronic venous insufficiency. The vein specialists make a tiny incision on the surface of the skin and insert a catheter to generate thermal energy, which results in the diseased vein collapsing. This automatically redirects the gathered blood to healthier leg veins.

Endovenous Laser Ablation

Endovenous laser ablation is one of the first minimally invasive treatments for chronic venous insufficiency. The vein specialists make a tiny incision on the surface of the skin and insert a specialized endovenous laser that generates laser energy and destroys the damaged vein. As a result, the accumulated blood gets redirected to healthier leg veins to restore optimal blood circulation.

Venaseal Closure System

VenaSeal is a unique minimally invasive procedure for CVI. The vein experts inject a medical-grade adhesive into the damaged saphenous vein to seal shut its walls. This eventually turns the problematic vein into a hardened tissue which gets reabsorbed by the body. The gathered blood redirects into healthier veins.

Summing It All Up!

By reading the information provided above, you now know the answer to your question, “How to reverse venous insufficiency.” The answer is you cannot. However, even if this condition is incurable, there are certain steps that you can take to avoid getting chronic venous insufficiency in the first place. But, if you are suffering from it already, we suggest you seek help from vein experts at Jersey Joint, Spine, & Regen to treat your problematic veins.

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