6 May 2024
If you’re suffering from pain, be it due to an injury or illness, you want to make it stop. Some of us might be able to bear more pain than others, thus having higher pain tolerance. Despite that, everyone needs to tend to their physical pain at some point in time. But don’t make the common mistake of treating it yourself. Sometimes, your diagnosis can be faulty and cause more harm than good. So, the best bet is to go to a specialist who can provide you with a complete care package. So explore the treatments Jersey Joint, Spine, & Regen delivers to get the best holistic care in Marlboro. Join us as we overview the procedures that help reduce your pain.
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Sometimes, we misunderstand pain and end up going for the wrong treatments. Thus, it is important to know what pain is and how much our body can tolerate it. In simple words, pain is a feeling ranging from slight discomfort to unbearable agony. Pain can be dull and spread out through a limb or a part of the body. Moreover, it can also be sharp and concentrated at a specific point. This can be due to injuries or conditions and sometimes even exercise or overwork. Pain is a complex feeling that affects us both physically and emotionally. This makes every person’s pain and the way they feel it different. Thus, medicine has dedicated an entire field to providing patients with pain management and care.
The science behind pain involves many parts of your body, including your nerves and brain. Initially, your nerve cells receive a painful stimulus. Then, they pass this information through the nervous system to your brain. This causes chemical changes in the part of your brain called the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (ACC). This part of your brain is responsible for feeling and processing pain. Moreover, the ACC also regulates how much pain you feel. So, it is up to the ACC to decide if you’re tolerant of pain or not. So, interventional pain management is more than just fixing your pains. It helps you overcome the physical and emotional discomfort in a controlled environment.
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Finding relief from chronic pain is the most comfortable yet hard-to-achieve feeling. Many of us try different things to see what method works best for our pain. It doesn’t follow the “one size fits all” approach when it comes to curing pain. Thus, interventional pain management includes different methods and treatments. This allows the physician to assess and suggest the treatment that suits you best. Some of the conditions that it commonly treats are:
Sometimes, you won’t find just one treatment that helps you but a combination of them. Physicians might even recommend physical and emotional therapies to boost healing. So, let’s find out what treatments this medical discipline has to offer.
Injections, nerve blocks, or epidural steroid injections work in the same way. This is the go-to method for short-term pain management. These injections carry steroids or opioids directly to the site of pain. These heavy medicines provide instant relief. While injections aren’t good for the long term. But they do help if you combine them with other treatments. This way, your body heals without causing you much discomfort.
Some of the most common injections include:
These injections alleviate pain in different parts of the body.
Platelet-rich plasma therapy is now a common practice in many regenerative medical practices. This is a method that focuses on boosting your body’s healing ability. It works on the idea of using platelet-rich plasma to aid the healing process. So, medical experts extract platelet-rich blood from your body. Then, they centrifuge it to get the plasma they need. Next, they inject this plasma at the site of your injury or pain.
PRP provides a safe way to help your body heal by collecting medicine from your own body. Thus, it minimizes the possibility of cell rejection or allergic reactions. Moreover, it is one of the least invasive, non-surgical practices to manage pain.
Electrical stimulation (ES) is a method that involves surgery. Here, surgeons implant a stimulator along the painful area. This device sends electrical signals directly to that particular area. Thus directly reducing the intensity of pain. ES is helpful in conditions like epilepsy and Parkinson’s disease. As it sends electrical signals directly through the nervous system.
Some people might feel pain during this treatment. While others may feel something as little as a tingling sensation. But despite the benefits, this is one of the last resorts in pain management. This procedure is more invasive than injections or PRP therapy.
Interventional pain management is a vast field that includes many therapies. These are just a few of the many therapies that can help reduce pain. Other types of therapies to reduce pain include:
So make sure that you understand the pros and cons of them properly before signing up for one.
This therapy helps you reduce pain in both the short and long term. However, one kind of therapy might not be enough. So, you’ll need to pair it with other therapies to gain maximum benefit. Make sure to discuss this with your doctor before beginning any treatment on your own.
Interventional pain management aims to cure pain without medicines. Thus, most patients benefit from following a mix of different therapies. So, normally, it doesn’t involve prescribing medicines. But in a few cases, it might.
When pain starts to come in between you and your daily life. That’s when you should seek the advice of a physician. They will help you manage your pain before it gets too much.
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